
May 27, 2021

When Labor Isn't Easy

It would be great if all labors were like what we see when we are scrolling on instagram. Clean water births, calm mothers, rose petals, and relative ease. Unfortunately for us, as the comforts of modern life get us further and further away from the lives of our ancestors our…

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May 3, 2021

Jonathan Ratzersdorfer BIO

All about your favorite Dr.John R. He joined Integrative OB and Maternal Resources in 2016 and has quickly become a fan favorite among out patients. He trained in McGee in Philadelphia and is quickly becoming adept at all types of complicated vaginal births. We love our Dr. John!

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Feb. 15, 2021

Dr Yaakov Abdelhak talks the COVID-19 vaccine and Pregnancy.

Our Certified Nurse Midwife, Kristin Mallon sits down with Dr. Abdelhak and asks him all of our burning questions about getting the COVID vaccine in pregnancy. Check out their conversation.

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Feb. 5, 2021

Better Birth Experiences in New Jersey

Delivering in Manhattan has some major drawbacks: sharing a room AND bathroom with a roommate after birth, overcrowding an an abundance of students an interns is just to name a few. Just over the George Washington Bridge in NYC, you can deliver at Hackenack UMC. Gorgeous large private labor rooms…

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Feb. 2, 2021

Integrative Obstetrics

Our low cesarean birth rates (14%), phenomenal patient care and attentive staff are why everyone is raving about us. We offer preconception counseling, the most comprehensive prenatal care available anywhere with all the latest technology and testing along with better birth experiences. Find out why we are worth it!

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Jan. 19, 2021

Yaakov Abdelhak

Dr. Yaakov Abdelhak, MD is a perinatologist with offices throughout Northern New Jersey. He is well known for his commitment to lower c/s delivery rates, normal twin and triplet deliveries, vaginal breech as well as a strong commitment to patient centered care. He believes in a partnership between women, their…

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