June 13, 2022

Postpartum Hemorrhage: Uterine Atony. Episode #102

Postpartum Hemorrhage: Uterine Atony. Episode #102

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is heavy or excessive bleeding after giving birth.  There are several reasons why PPH may occur following delivery.  In this episode, postpartum hemorrhage as a result of uteirne atony is reviewed....

Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is heavy or excessive bleeding after giving birth.  There are several reasons why PPH may occur following delivery.  In this episode, postpartum hemorrhage as a result of uteirne atony is reviewed.   

Uterine atony is when the placenta deliveres but the uterus does not cramp down and stop its own bleeding following birth.  After birth, there is a natural mechanism where the uterus itself acts as it's own mechanical block of excessive bleedding.  When the uterus does not cramp down, uterine atony ensures and excessive bleeding can be the result. 

 We'll review identificatoin, treatment, and. prevnetion. 


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